Welcome to Tenakee Springs Independent Learning Center!

Where does your educational adventure begin?

Tenakee Springs is home base for the Chatham School District’s Statewide Homeschool & Virtual school programs. 

Locally, the district offers an Independent Learning Center (ILC) which serves students grades pre-K through 12, who are enrolled in one of Chatham’s Distance Programs. The ILC is a hybrid educational model that encourages self-direction while providing academic structure and support with an on-site facilitator. 

At the ILC, Chatham provides special needs service, cultural and vocational classes, social-emotional learning opportunities, music lessons, science blocks- and project and placed-based learning modules. 

The ILC provides local parents opportunities for working together and receiving guidance from the on-site facilitator. 

The ILC is open three days a week, six hours per day. Currently, due to Covid-19, programming is limited, however the facility- classrooms, academic supplies, internet, library, and gym- are available for students and families. There are Covid safety measures in place to ensure families stay safe while still having access to the facility.