Tenakee Springs is incorporated as a second class city. It’s governed by a seven member city council under the direction of Mayor Linnea Lospenosochatel.
City council meetings are held at the Community Center the fourth Thursday of each month at 4pm. November and December meetings held the third Thursday at 4pm, due to holidays.
City office hours are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Phone is 736-2207 and fax is 736-2249.
Email: citytke@gmail.com
The City oversees the Electric Utility, Fire Department, Harbor and the Fuel Dock.
The harbor master can be reached on VHF channel 16.
Title 3 – Municipal Government
Title 6 – Boards and Commissions
Title 7 – Planning, Platting, and Land Use
Title 8 – Acquisition and Disposal of Community Property
Title 13 – Vehicles and Traffic
Title 14 – Library, Community Building and Other Public Places
Title 16 – Health, Public Safety and Firearms
Title 17 – Animals and Agriculture